Support and FAQs

What do I do if I can't upload my photo?

The size limit of a photo on our website is 4mb. We recommend having a high resolution image to ensure a good quality image on your cards. If you're having trouble uploading your photo to the website, please contact us and we will upload it to your account for you.

What photo size should I use?

Resolution is the 'size' of your photo. The higher the resolution, the bigger the file size. Many digital cameras allow you to adjust the resolution of your images. For printing, the higher the resolution (or bigger the file), the better quality your image will be. We recommend a minimum photo size of 500kb. If you are unsure about the size of your photo please contact us and we will let you know if it's okay.
PhotoMaxing does not check, modify or enhance images in any way, what you choose to upload is what will be printed.

What are the different card types?

See our Card Type information here

What's the difference between a gloss or matte finish?

Our Matte finished cards have a subtle and elegant finish. A matte finish produces a lower contrast on darker colors, resulting in an overall softer, modern look.

Our Gloss finish is a more traditional shiny photo finish. It shows vibrant colours well and photos can appear crisper and sharper.

We print on high quality paper, using the latest in digital technology, but it's not photo paper. So your photo might look different on your cards to what it would on photo quality paper.

What do I do if I make a mistake on my cards?

As our website is fully automated, we can't correct spelling mistakes or errors you make. Please be careful to check your card thoroughly to ensure it's 100% correct. What you type is EXACTLY what will be printed. If you do make a mistake please contact us to cancel your order.

How do I pay for my cards?

We have 2 payment options: either by credit card using Paypal Express, a PCI DSS compliant card authorisation and payment processing service hosted by Paypal. PhotoMaxing is owned by Bee Online Limited, which the PayPal account belongs to.

Or you can choose to pay by Direct Deposit into our Bank Account (NZ only). Please note: orders taken using Direct Deposit will be processed once payment has been confirmed.

When I tried to make payment using credit card, a warning came up regarding the 'secure certificate', what does this mean?

In a small number of cases users of IE (Windows Internet Explorer) may see a warning message where their web browser doesn't recognize the Secure Certificate used by our internet payment gateway.

Secure Certificates are used to ensure that no one else can read or change information as it travels over the Internet - and in the case of making payment, ensures your details are transmitted securely.  Paypal uses the latest Secure Certificate issued by RSA Security.

This warning message may be appearing due to your browser having an out-of-date certificate list. Normally Windows IE will automatically check and update this list.  To ensure you have the most up to date list refer to Microsoft Support,, and follow the instructions.

PhotoMaxing would like to assure our customers our online payment gateway is 100% secure.

When I chose Credit Card it asks me for a 'verification code'?

Some banks offer their customers an on-line credit card security option. This is to protect against fraud. If you choose to pay by credit card you might be prompted to join a security programme, which will ask you for personal details and a password. This is voluntary, you can skip these questions if you wish. Some customers have found this confusing, but unfortunately we have no control over this part of the payment process.  

What does 'Verified by Visa' mean?

This is part of the Verification Code above. Verified by Visa provides added security to ensure that only you can use your Visa card to make purchases online.  It’s easy to activate for your existing card, and it’s free. When you enter your card number into DPS Payment Express it is checked against a database to see if it is enrolled in a verification scheme, or if the card issuer (your bank) would like to enroll you. This is controlled by the issuing bank for your credit card, not PhotoMaxing. If you have already set up your security information you will be required to enter a password or code to proceed with your payment, if not, you may be prompted to set up your security information. This can be quite frustrating from our customers point of view but it appears to becoming more frequently used by most major banks in New Zealand and is something PhotoMaxing has no control over. If you are at all concerned about any part of the payment process, please email us.

If I have had trouble with paying by Credit Card, how do I know if my order has been processed correctly?

Once you have paid by credit card you will be automatically directed back to the PhotoMaxing website. Please be patient while DPS Payment Express redirects you. Once you are back at PhotoMaxing your cards have been processed. You should then receive an email confirmation of your order. If you don't get directed back to PhotoMaxing or don't receive the email confirmation, please contact us and we can confirm if your order has been received.

What does Direct Deposit mean?

You can deposit funds directly into our Bank account, either on-line using Internet banking or by physically visiting your bank. (NZ Customers only)

How long do you store my photo?

PhotoMaxing stores your photo for 30 days from the date you uploaded it. Images are deleted automatically without notification. 

Why should I have to create a PhotoMaxing account?

Without a PhotoMaxing account, you would have to make your cards immediately following upload of your photo. For a number of customers this simply isn't possible, so we give you the flexibility of 30 days to make your decision.

What does 'upload' mean?

'Uploading' is the process of transferring your photos from your computer, tablet or phone to your PhotoMaxing account.

Why does my photo look different to when I had it developed?

We print on high quality paper, using the latest in digital technology, but it's not photo paper. So you're photo might look different on your cards to what it did when you had it printed onto photo quality paper.

My photo is quite dark, what can I do?

If you upload a dark photo it will print this way.  If you're concerned about the darkness of your image, and you specifically want to use that photo, please email it to us and we'll see if we can remove the shadows off it to get a better print result.